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Do I have to be home during installation?

It is not necessary that you’re home when we plant. We will let you know what day we are coming, but you do not have to be there unless we need special access to your property. We just ask you have a hose and water source available to us.

I would love to have container gardens, but deer / chipmunks / squirrels destroy them! Help!

We understand that some container gardens can look like a veritable buffet table for our unwelcome furry friends; however, we have plenty of tricks up our sleeves from the types of plants and containers we use to natural repellents.

How much does this service cost?

Our prices are based on cost of materials and per hour labor costs. Trees, tropicals and topiaries can increase material costs. Huge properties with lots of stairs can take more time and increase labor costs. We do recommend cleaning out and replacing the soil once a year in most planters, to prevent disease, pest infestation and drainage issues. We can help you do that! To set up a free consultation and receive an estimate click here.

What do you do with the old plant material?

If your home backs to forest or if you have a compost pile, county/city green bins, or leaf bag pick up we can dispose of old plant material on site. If you would like it hauled away, we can do that for a fee.  If you have perennials or evergreens in your container that you would like planted in your yard, we can leave them for you to plant or take care of that for you; however, hourly labor rates apply. Communication is key just let us know!

Do you offer drop-in planters?

Sometimes we get a little plant crazy and purchase too many plants during a planting season. If we have leftover plant material at the end of a planting window, we will create drop-in pulp pots that you can purchase and take home. This is highly likely during the holiday season. Join on our mailing list and we’ll let you know when we have drop ins available and you can come pick up your pulp pot!

Do you do window boxes?

Yes! However, if the window boxes are on the second floor, then we need access to the inside of your home. We do not use tall outdoor ladders to reach second or third levels of your home. We can use short ladders to reach the first level of your home.

Do you offer drip irrigation services?

We do not currently offer drip irrigation services; however, we can put you in touch with a reputable company that does.